17th of December, «Juleoperette at Presterud Gård» - concert with Cecilie Rønning and Vladimir Stoyanov, Bærum, Norway
16th of December, «Hjem til jul», concert with Kaia, Maria, Tori, Pål Rullestad Teigen, Lena Rist-Larsen and Helge Ellingsen, Kampen kirke, Oslo, Norway
12th and 13th of December, Donizettis «L’elisir d’amore» and «Anna Bolena» (excerpts) with students from Operahøgskolen, Hovedscenen, KHiO, Oslo, Norway
5th of December, Opera concerts at Ringerike fengsel with Lucia Cervoni, Elizabeth Balfour, William Wallace, Johann Dornwald and Trond Halstein Moe, arr: Norsk Kammeropera, Ringerike, Norway
22nd of November, Lunsj med kultur - Opera ved Havet with Nora Oleanne Sårheim, Gamle Raadhus Scene, Oslo, Norway
20th of November, Operapub at Mesa Libre with Eldrid Gorset and Maria D. Johannessen, Drammen, Norway
16th of November, Lillystiftelsen Prizewinners concert - accompanist for the concert, Sentralen, Oslo, Norway
14th of November, «King’s Day Celebration» - performance with soprano Hannah Edmunds at the Belgian Embassy, Oslo, Norway
5th of November, Song concert with Therese-Angelle Khachik, Nordberg menighet, Oslo, Norway
5th of November, Choir Concert with Marika Schultze and Mærradalen Mannskor, Røa kirke, Oslo, Norway
31st of October, 1st, 7th, 12th of November, «Operette - Czardasfyrstinnen», Den Kulturelle Spaserstokken i Bærum, with soprano Cecilie Rønning and violinist Vladimir Stoyanov, Bærum, Norway
24th of October, «Opera på hyber’n» with Stina S. Levvel and Mariann Fjeld-Solberg, Anna’s Hybel, Fjellstrand, Norway
23rd of October, Song concert with Mads Wighus, Nannestad sykehjem, Nannestad, Norway
23rd of October, «Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec», talk and concert with soprano Bente Eggum Johannessen and accordionist Håvard Svendsrud, (private event) Gjerdrum, Norway
19th of March, “Fagerborgfestspillene - Lekerom”, Dyrenes Karneval at Barratt Due Musikkinstitutt, Oslo, Norway
11th-14th of March, «Operette til kaffien», DKSS tour with singers Nora Oleanne Sårheim and Eivind Kandal, Oslo, Norway
9th of March, “Skeive Stemmer” på Norsk Folkemuseum, concert with singers Maria Dale Johannessen and Therese-Angelle Khachik, Oslo, Norway
7th of March «Opera på By’n», concert with singers Eline Korbi Kolstad and Simen Bredesen Hørthe, Bryggerhuset Syd, Halden, Norway www.operaostfold.no/program/opera-pa-byn-2/
5th of March, Operapub at Nordic Black Theatre with singers Therese-Angelle Khachik, Endre Aaberge Dahl and Christina Jønsi, Cafeteateret, Oslo, Norway
22nd of February - «Var det en drøm? - Song Recital with soprano Kaia Rullestad Teigen, Kirsten Flagstad Museum, Hamar, Norway
10th and 11th of February - Operafest Røykenvik - accompanist for «Akademi Input», Glasslåven på Granavollen, Gran, Norway operafest.no/home/akademiinput/
6th of February - Operapub at Nordic Black Theatre with singers Renate Ekerhovd, Mari Askvik and Johannes Nicolai Aas, Cafeteateret, Oslo, Norway
3rd of February - Voksenfestivalen - accompanist for the competition, Voksen Kirke, Oslo, Norway https://voksenfestivalen.no/
19th of December, «Hjem til Jul» - Christmas concert with Pål Rullestad, Tori Teigen, Kaia Rullestad Teigen and Bjarne Magnus Jensen, Kampen kirke, Oslo, Norway
16th of December, Operapub at Drammen Kulturhus with singers Ingeborg Stensland and Pernille Wik, Drammen, Norway
7th of December, «Mat og Musikk a la Carte», concert for Norsk Kammeropera with singers Eva L. Gjerde, Lucia Cervoni, Mads Wighus and Trond Halstein Moe, Restaurant Kjøkken og Bar, Oslo, Norway
2nd of December, Concert at Losby Gods with singers Trond Halstein Moe, Mads Wighus, Johann Dornwald, Bente E. Johannessen and Elizabeth Balfour, Lørenskog, Norway
29th of November, Concert at Ringerike fengsel with singers Trond Halstein Moe, William Wallace, Lucia Cervoni, Bente E. Johannessen and Elizabeth Balfour, Ringerike, Norway
19th of November, Lilystiftelsen Prizewinners Concert, accompanist for the prizewinners, Sentralen, Oslo, Norway
18th of November, Operapub at Grønland Boulebar with singers Christopher Kelley and Alex Adams-Leytes , Oslo, Norway
15th of November, “Nordiske Toner i Høstmørket», concert with tenor Espen Solsbak and others, Vestby kirke, Vestby, Norway
15th of October, «Mat og musikk a la carte», concert for Norsk Kammeropera with singers Elizabeth Balfour, Bente E. Johannessen, Lucia Cervoni, William Wallace and Simon Thorbjørnsen, Restaurant «Kjøkken og Bar», Oslo, Norway
14th of October, «En Dag», mini-opera by and with soprano Juni Teie, Gamle Raadhus Scene, Oslo, Norway
7th of October, Operapub with students from the Opera Academy, Grønland Boulebar, Oslo, Norway
6th of October, Bacewicz Piano Quintet at Stange videregående skole, Stange, Norway
28th of September, «Knute på Tråden», Menottis «The Telephone» with singers Ida Gudim and Magnus Kjelstad, arr:Opera Østfold, Halden, Norway www.operaostfold.no/program/knute-pa-traden-1/
27th of September, «Mat og musikk a la carte», concert for Norsk Kammeropera with singers Lucia Cervoni, Bente Johannessen, Øystein Skre, Cecilie Rønning and violinist Vladimir Stoyanov, Restaurant «Kjøkken og Bar», Oslo, Norway www.kammeropera.no/
15th of March, Clarinet and Oboe Class concert, accompanist for the clarinetists and oboists of Høyskoleavdelingen and Unge Talenter, Barratt Due Musikkinstitutt, Oslo, Norway
21st of January, Jury member at Ungdommens Musikkmesterskap - nasjonalt mesterskap, Kammermusikk klasse A og B, Norges Musikkhøgskole, Oslo, Norway www.umm.no/
8th of January, accompanist for Norsk Operasangerforbund auditions, Scene 2 at the Norwegian Opera and Ballett, Oslo, Norway norskoperasangerforbund.no/index.html
11th of December, Christmas concert with Abildsø bygdekor, Manglerud kirke, Oslo, Norway
4th of December, jury member for Inspirasjonskonkurransen, Håndverkeren selskapslokale, Drammen, Norway
2nd of December, Barratt Dues oboklassekonsert, accompanying the oboists of Høyskoleavdelingen, Barratt Due musikkinstitutt, Oslo, Norway
1st of December, Opera concerts at Ringerike Fengsel with singers Thomas Ruud, Øystein Skre, Siv Oda Hagerupsen and Bente Johannessen, Ringerike, Norway
22nd of November, Operacafe in Nittedal with singers Halvor Festervoll Melien, Amalie Kongssund and Astrid Sandvand Dahlen, Nittedal, Norway
20th of November, Cello and piano recital with cellist Bård Bosrup, Torshov kirke, Oslo, Norway
19th of November, Lieder recital with singers Jørgen Magnus Haslum and Elizabeth Balfour (private event), Oslo, Norway
6th of November, Faure Requiem at Østre Aker Kirke, Oslo, Norway
6th of November, Faure Requiem at Stovner Kirke, Oslo, Norway
27th of October, «Marked for Musikk» with Skeive Stemmer, Bølgen kulturhus, Larvik, Norway
19th of October, «Høststorm», recital with wind students at Høyskolen Barratt Due og Unge Talenter, Barratt Due Musikkinstitutt, Oslo, Norway www.barrattdue.no/event/hoststormkonsert/
2nd of April, Akerselva Kammermusikkfestival, «Morgenkonsert» with Linnea Sundfær Casserly, Eleanor Corr and Emil Duncumb, Sagene Kirke, Oslo, Norway www.akerselvakammermusikkfestival.no/
1st of April, Saariaho concert with Linnea Sundfær Casserly, Snarøya kirke, Snarøya, Norway
16th, 18th, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th of November, «Mozart Requiem», DKS tour with Oratoriesolistene, Oslo, Norway
14th of November, «Den Norske Musikkfest», a celebration of Norwegian music at Sentralen, Oslo, Norway (arr: Norsk Tonekunstnersamfund) ntks.no/den-norske-musikkfest/
16th of September «Sandvika Byfest - Kulturnatt elvelangs» with Olivera Ticevic and Dora Armannsdottir, Sandvika, Norway sandvikabyfest.no/program/kulturnatten/
4th of September «Opera på Taket» with Olivera Ticevic and Dora Armannsdottir, «Sagenefest», Oslo, Norway (arr: Opera til Folket) operatilfolket.no/konserter/opera-pa-taket/
15th and 16th of June, Pergolesis «La Serva Padrona» with Operahøgskolen, KHiO, Oslo, Norway
14th of June, «Scene i Karantene» with singers Ida Gudim and Maria Dale Johannessen, Bærum, Norway 3rd of June, «Scene i Karantene» with singers Gro Bente Kjellevold and Solveig Jaziri, Bærum, Norway
14th of March, «Til Våren», lunchtime concert with soprano Eldrid Gorset, Troldhaugen, Bergen, Norway griegmuseum.no/konserter/til-våren