17th - 19th of January, Ungdommens Musikkmesterskap - accompanist under the competition, Norges Musikkhøgskole, Oslo, Norway
18th of January, Lørdagsopera «Opera fra havet» with soprano Nora Oleanne Sårheim, Gamle Raadhus Scene, Oslo, Norway
1st of February, Operapub at Grønland Boulebar «Åpen Scene», Oslo, Norway
8th of February, Norges Operasangerforbund - accompanist for their audition, Den Norske Opera og Ballett, Oslo, Norway
8th of February, Operapub at Grønland Boulebar, Oslo, Norway
1st - 2nd of March, Operafest Røykenvik «Akademi Input», accompanist for the course, Gran, Norway
6th of April, Oslo-Filharmoniens Chamber Music series - Higdon, Connesson and Francaix with OFOs woodwind players, Lille Sal, Oslo Konserthus, Oslo, Norway
6th of April, Ung Musikk talent concerts, accompanist for two of the concerts, Norges Musikkhøgskole, Oslo, Norway
15th of June, «Opera på Blaker Skanse», opera outdoor concert at Blaker Skanse, Sørum, Norway